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Schematic Design

After meeting with and verifying the Owner's programming (needs and budget) for the renovations, we will prepare Schematic Design drawings and solutions to be approved by the Owner. At this time, we will verify the funding source, to assure the proper agencies will receive for review the drawings and specifications, and all requirements are met.

Design Development Phase

Based on the approved Schematic Design Concept and any adjustments authorized by the Owner in the program, schedule or construction budget, we will prepare, for approval by the Owner, Design Development Documents consisting of drawings and other documents to encompass the scope of improvements to the architectural, plumbing, mechanical and electrical systems, as well as determining any environmental issues, and such other elements as may be appropriate.

Construction Document Phase

Based on the approved Design Development Documents, we will complete the documents for use in bidding and construction of the renovations. During this phase the following will be provided:

  1. Construction Documents will be prepared which will set forth the requirements for the construction of the project. These Documents will include plans and technical specifications to be used during construction.

  2. Upon completion we will review the Construction documents with the approving authority to assure they address and suffice the Owner's needs.

  3. We will furnish Construction Documents to appropriate regulatory agencies for review purposes and will provide answers to any questions they may have.

Bidding Services

Following approval of the Construction Documents, we will assist the Owner in obtaining bids from General Contractors including advertising for bids, general contractor pre-qualification (if desired), interpretation of drawings during the bidding phase, and receipt and evaluation of bid proposals.

Construction Review Services

After execution of the Contract for Construction, we will furnish the following services during construction of the project:

  1. We will conduct monthly Owner/Architect/Contractor meetings to keep the Owner apprised of the project and to allow Contractor to present questions and issues.

  2. We will make periodic review of the work as construction progresses to determine if the work is generally being done according to the Contract Documents. We will make site visits as required based on the scope of the project while construction is taking place.

  3. After each site visit, we will note and report to the Owner and the Contractor any observed deviations from the intent of the Construction Documents.

  4. We will review the Contractor's Monthly Application for Payment.

  5. We will review Shop Drawings, Product Data and Material Samples.

  6. We will issue documents to clarify questions the Contractor may have as construction proceeds.

  7. We will conduct a final inspection and issue the final Certificate of Completion to the Contractor.

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